I have been getting to know our little village and find that I can get most anything I need here. I thought you might enjoy a walk around our town.
Daily Life
The Royal is a very nice pub, may locals are regular customers. It is a friendly place with many events for families and people of all ages. |
Pharmacey, coffee shop, flower shop, and small grocer are only a short walk away. |
Our villiage has Co-op that is very useful when we need to pick up milk, bread etc. |
We have a small but wonderful library. |
Love and Marriage
This green is directly across from our house, and is sort of our front yard. It is a busy place, with dog walkers and people who picnic there, play ball or just relax in the sunshine. |
St. Mary's Church is the parish church was dedicated 1109. | |
To see more pictures, visit their website by clicking here |
Most Saturdays, if we are home we hear the wedding bells ring from St. Mary's. Click
here the watch a Youtube video of wedding bells being rung.
Death and Eternity
The cemetery in the church yard has tombstones dating back to 12th century. |
We are surrounded by the beautiful hills. Alfred Wainwright,a British guide book writer and illustrator, wrote,
"The fleeting hour of life of those who love the hills is quickly spent,
but the hills are eternal.
Our library was small too, but I loved it. They had a great story time for kids.